Friday, December 12, 2008

A Few Hours from Now ...

It has been a really busy week already at Morph Labs and at the same time with all the preparations for the school's Christmas' presentation. Nevertheless, it looks to be fun even if we're a bit late with handing out the gifts to the other kids and missing a few ones still for tomorrow is gonna be the last day.

Strange to hear Zaki asking me a a bunch of times if I'm coming to watch her presentation - last one while she was almost half asleep. Must be because for the longest time - 4 days, I wasn't the one bringing her to school and instead went to office earlier (and coming home late even) and adding to the transgression, even missing her birthday party :)

Also got a 'luv u daddy' from her twice this evening. Sob. Lots of making up to do ...

Love you, too Zaki!

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